Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Heart

The heart is an incredible organ, it takes care of the everyday functions of being alive and allows endless joy. The same heart that suits us so well, also takes an incredible beating sometimes.

My heart hurts.


kelli said...

I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?

Anonymous said...

When I think of loyalty, trust , kindness and unconditional love, you are someone that comes to mind. we all hope that as we grow older the value of family is always with us and our love ones. To often that is not the case. Broken hearts heal but they take a very long time and time is not always a guarantee.

I love you

Chrissi said...

what's wrong Aunt Deb???

Anonymous said...

I know that hurting heart feeling. There should be a federal law against children breaking the hearts of their parents. (Maybe Obama would do?)