Thursday, July 23, 2009

Butt Crack

Today, there was a discussion about what is appropriate for women to wear at work. One of the women was displaying obvious butt crack. It seems to me, that more and more women are not bending over at home to check whether there is crack showing before they come in to work. They are bending over their desk or squating or whatever and showing more than I care to see. So what do you think is appropriate attire for professional women at work and should you tell them? Just curious.


Don said...

I suppose it depends on your profession. If you are a hooker, then I guess you want to show a lot of butt crack and other body parts.

If you work in an office of any kind, you should cover up.

In my office I have seen more than a butt crack or two, and in that setting, no amount of butt crack is appropriate.

Matt said...

Depends on who's wearing it :)