Saturday, July 11, 2009

5K Walk

Today, Mariea, Don and I walked a 5K for prostate cancer. The weather was good until after the race and then the rains came. Thankfully the rain held off until we crossed the finish line. We walked it in 1 hour and 20 minutes, which is really good since Mariea has arthritis in her knees. I am very proud of her. It was an enjoyable walk and we saw things downtown that we had never taken the time to see before. I encourage all of you to get out of your cars and walk. It was a great experience. We even met a very nice "rich" man who walked with us for a long time. It was ok that we came in last, yes I said last, because we had such a great time.


Don said...

Congratulations Mariea on making another of your goals.

I enjoyed it too. We didn't set any speed records but had we been faster, we would have missed meeting and talking to an interesting man.

The Hansons said...

Good job you guys!! I wish I had known you were doing it, Jeff and I ran it!! It was a very neat course. I signed up last year to do it but it was canceled due to the monsoon that hit that morning. Luckily, the rains held off this year!! Again - good job (especially to Mariea!)


Chrissi said...

WAY TO GO Momma!!! I'm very proud of you!!!