Thursday, August 6, 2009


Recently, my son's neighbor had a house fire. Aside from the obvious; your children and your pets, what would you make sure you took with you as you fled your burning house? Just curious.

I think I would take our photos. Although it would be difficult to take them all, since hubby is a photographer, that's what I would take.


Layla and Delia said...

I have always thought I would grab the external hard drive as I was exiting the house, kids in hand, cat in crate, and dog on a leash. As I was actually doing this on Tuesday, however, the hard drive never even crossed my mind. It didn't even come to me until late in the evening. So much for planning ahead... ;)

Don said...

As a former firefighter and someone who is, or at least used to be, fairly comfortable being near fire, if my house is on fire once I get all people then my dog out, I am not looking to take anything else out except my old butt.

I would hate losing our photos, but I would have losing me more.

Get out and stay out.

Don said...

That should have been "...hate losing me more".

Jason said...

Couldn't have said it better Don...well except for the old part. Get you and yours out, material things can be replaced, some personal items can not however you will still have the memories.

kelli said...

I wouldn't grab anything but my children. Nothing else is's just stuff.