Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just thinking.

Did I text or email you and you didn't answer? Did you text or email me and I didn't answer?

We live in a society of faceless conversations. We send messages through Facebook or MySpace, email or text. When was the last time, you picked up the phone and called? When was the last time you actually visited?

Why is it that people are to busy to sit on the front porch and have a glass of ice tea and talk face to face? & not keep looking at your watch as if you have something more important to do.

Where did our sense of being together and enjoying listening to the birds and the kids play go?

Are we to busy? Are we uncaring? Are we rude? Do we think it doesn't matter?

Have we lost our values? Have we lost our manners?

You tell me.

Because it matters to me.


Don said...

I don't have the answers, just more questions.

All of the things you mention, email, Facebook, etc. should make it easier to communicate with each other. I suppose that it has, but it has also made the communication impersonal. We seem to think that these bit and pieces of our lives are enough. We don't actually need to sit down and talk and be together.

Kelli said...

As you know I could talk about this topic for days, but the short of it is this (in my opinion anyway), people are self-centered. We all use the excuse that we are all sooo busy but that's crap, with a few exceptions of some who really DO over-book themselves and their children. Of course, there are also those who think that actually having a conversation means you have to share a little of yourself, which for some reason, has become unacceptable. This attitude of "it's really none of your business how my marriage is, or how my kids REALLY behave, or fill in the blank" has become overwhelmingly prevelant. Facebook and MySpace allow people to share only what they want you to know, rather than what secrets may lurk in their closets, despite the fact that your secrets may also be my secrets and we could actually have a deep connection surrounding those issues.
I think this attitude comes from this push to achieve everything. We are told we can "do it all" but the truth of the matter is that there is ALWAYS something that suffers. We CAN NOT do it all. At least, not without the help of friends and family.For whatever reason, people are willing to let go of interpersonal relationships, even knowing this fact.
My biggest hope is that this mentality changes. You have to wonder if this change is one contributor to the divorce rate. We are all so stressed trying to do it all without the help of our family and friends, that our marriages are suffering.
Anyway, that's just my quick opinion on the matter. I have so many more thoughts on this if anyone would like to know them :)