Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I really can't believe we caught # 3 today. It had been quiet in the attic this morning so I thought maybe just maybe we had gotten rid of the little pain in the #$$.

Not to be!

So, we have another trap on the roof to see if there is more. $55.00 for every pain in the #$$. I can think of a whole lot of other things I could do with that money. If we don't get rid of them soon, you will find me on the street corner with a tin cup and a sign saying I'll work for food. :)

Maybe I need to start taking up donations now. :)


Deb said...
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Chrissi said...

Don't let the critters get the best of you Aunt Deb!!! I'd be more than willing to donate to the cause so you don't end up begging for money!! LOL

Tootie said...

Hi Deb,

Thanks for dropping by my blog. I do it for the very reason you mentioned. I've lived here for over 3 years and I still remember how much I wanted to see what was happening at Sanibel when I wasn't there. I'm glad you enjoy it and hope you have a wonderful vacation. Maybe I'll run into you. :-)
Oooh, I hope you get rid of your visitors before you leave. :-)

Matt said...

There goes poor Don's 600mm lens :(