Friday, April 3, 2009

I am blessed....

I am blessed……
my wonderful husband and friend
kids never gave me endless hours of worry
my 8 year old twin granddaughters that came into this world weighing less than 3 lbs. and are healthy and love spending time with us
my 3 year old granddaughter who makes me laugh at the things she does
my 1 year old granddaughter who amazes me how fast she is doing things
only sibling, the most giving and special sister any one could ask for
my children’s spouses; 2 people that make my children happy
Extended family: nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, in-laws, cousins, all who make me proud that they are a part of my family
Friends: that I know if I needed them they would be there in a heartbeat ( you all know who you are)
Mom & Dad: now deceased but forever in my heart


Anonymous said...

Looks like you are off to a great start.

Drew said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!

"as kids never gave me endless hours of worry"
What about now as adults?

kelli said...

well we are all blessed for having you in our lives!

The Hansons said...

Welcome to the blogging world!! I look forward to reading your blog!


Chrissi said...

Love you Aunt Deb!

Chasadee said...

You've always had interesting things to say to me. I look forward to reading them on your blog!

Deb said...

Drew, in answer to your question; The heart is an incredible organ, it takes care of the everyday functions of being alive and allows endless joy. The same heart that suits us so well, also takes an incedible beating sometimes and as adults you lay heavier on my heart than you did as kids.
