Monday, November 30, 2009

This or This???? You be the judge.

Don decided to shave his beard. I believe in 20 years, he has only shaved his beard one other time. So, what do you think? Should he continue to be clean shaven or should he grow the beard back???

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Just one more minute......

June 6, 1930-November 20, 2007

Just one more minute……
How many times have you heard someone say those words? Seems like a silly comment to make, it is only 60 seconds. But, as quickly as that minute passes, it is the most valuable and precious time there is.

Just one more minute……
Not a day has gone by in the last two years that I haven’t wished for that one more minute, those 60 seconds.

Just one more minute……
To tell her how much I love her

Just one more minute……
To let her know how much I appreciate everything she was

Just one more minute……
To thank her for the things she did

Just one more minute……
To tell her how much I was going to miss our talks, our special moments

Just one more minute……
For one more hug & one more kiss

As silly as it is to say, I wish I had

Just one more minute……

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Baby Girl Dodson



Sis, What can I say,
You are the best sister
I could have asked for.

So on this special day of yours
I want you to know how much I love you,
and to wish you the very best birthday ever.